Welcome to Beauty Bar by Akhlas

At our clinic we offer top-notch customer service alongside the use of industry leading technology to provide the best-suited treatment plan for you!
Akhlas Oklah

Check out our New Services!

Say goodbye to unwanted tattoos with the AcromaQS handpiece with minimal risk of scarring or discolouration. 

We’re passionate about making people look and feel beautiful. With a commitment to providing consumers with a safe, long-lasting, ultra-moisturizing bronzed glow.

With the Acroma-QS handpiece say hello to lighter toned skin with it’s ability to reduce the level of skin pigment.

Our vision is to give you a smooth feeling with top results

The Technology We Use


Forma-Light is a powerful medical aesthetic system that uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology. It's an all-in-one workstation capable of treating skin tightening, vascular & pigmented lesions, post acne scars, deep wrinkles, active acne, and scar reduction.

Soprano XLI

The SopranoXLI truly is virtually painless for hair removal. Suitable for all skin types, including tanned and dark skin tones. You can expect lasting results from a series of relatively short sessions.


Etherea-MX is an industry leading machine capable of effectively providing multiple treatments such as tattoo removal and control of pigmented lesions and offers advanced optical precision and safety.

Book Your Appointment

Call or send us an email for a FREE consultation